Thursday, February 9, 2012

First classes, Nay's cough, and Joshua's golf

8 Feb 12
What a GREAT first day of teaching.  Class went really well. The students received me and and were engaged and interactive.  We learned about material culture and setting up an archaeological grid.  The students asked questions and answered them and seemed genuinely ok with being there with me :-).  I look forward to the rest of the semester.

9 Feb 12
Today was a LONG day (well between breakfast and lunch anyway). Nay woke up with the same cough that he has had the last three days.  He wan’t able to keep his breakfast down (the fourth day in a row not being able to keep a meal down… usually lunch) so I was concerned.  I called his peds in the states and they suggested I have him seen.  I took to to the health center on campus and was so glad when they agreed to see him. Then the waiting began… we had to wait in multiple lines and talk to numerous people (and explain over and over that we have no insurance but I am prepared to pay cash).  We were finally able to see the dr.  She was wonderful and confirmed that he only has a severe allergy case (whew!) . By the time we saw the dr, Nay was extremely restless and all over the place.  I know people were wondering why I couldn't control my child, but I was giving it my best effort.  He has gotten really good an throwing fits since he turned two J . After we saw the dr we had more lines to wait in until we finally made it to the billing line where we paid only JA$3092.00 which is only about US$35 (that included the prescription and visit) and left. Next we head to the fruit stand for a snack.  Joshua decided to try something new and chose a jack fruit and some sugar cane.  The jack fruit reminded me of a papay, a pineapple and a banana all in one.  The sugar cane was really good and refreshing.  Basically you chew on it and suck out this super sugary juice.  The kids really liked that.

Jack fruit and sugar cane

After our snack I had to run up to the History and Archaeology dept to retrieve my mail and print off a document that I must get noterized. After that we headed across campus for lunch at Juici Patties. Yum!

megasoy patty and coco bread
After lunch we got Nay to sleep and the kids finished their school work. I received a voicemail from a department I consult with on forensic matters and boy did it feel good to be back in the forensic frame of mind, even if just for the moment.  Around 330p our driver arrived to take Joshua to golf class. It was on the other side of town at Constant Springs Golf Club.  What a beautiful site. 

Joshua learning to swing properly
After the hit

Joshua really enjoyed the class and will continue for the next 7wks. Nay on the other hand not so much.  He had another coughing fit and spit up all over himself.  I had to strip him down to his diaper and of course I forget to through an extra change of clothes in his bag. It was 45 min after class before our driver arrived so the kids were able to make some new friends.  On the way home our wonderful driver was concerned about Nay’s cough and stopped us by the store to get some honey. We came home had dinner and hung out until bedtime. We don’t have much planned for tomorrow with Nay being under the weather, so I won’t have much to post. Until next time…

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