Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Journey Complete

Today was my last official day at the John D Rockefeller Jr Library.  While I am homesick (see previous post) I am also kind of sad to leave Williamsburg.  I have had a phenomenal experience on this fellowship.  I have meet so many amazing people and seen so many wonderful things (and not so wonderful that I would love to have a hand in changing) here that it makes it a little hard to part.  I have accomplished so much this summer, yet so little in the grand scheme of things.  I will certainly be back to continue my research, explore recently discovered sites and certainly to visit with the many new friends I’ve made here.  Williamsburg has certainly imprinted a piece of itself on me (and the kids as they are sad to go).

Thank you John D Rockefellerf Jr Library and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.  You certainly haven’t seen the last of me around here *smile*.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heat Wave and Homesick

This recent heat wave across the country really has me questioning my stay in Jamaica *smile*.  I’m a southern girl but I have never been confronted with heat like this.  Reading various blogs and talking to people that have visited Jamaica, I am concerned that this type of heat will be the norm.  If that is the case, I’m not sure I will survive (of course I’ll survive, but you know what I mean).  Just another factor to take into consideration.

I’ve also been really homesick lately, here in Williamsburg (and it’s only been nearly two months).  I hope I can shake this feeling as it will only enhance my apprehension about our upcoming move.  With the start of the PhD program looming extremely close I have been able to refocus and not completely obsess over Jamaica, however with my longing for home and husband it has me thinking hard about how I will handle this in January.  One positive thing that I learned is that I don’t have to have a return ticket in hand when we arrive in Jamaica.  I know that is a small thing, but for me important as I will feel trapped by a date.  If time and resources permit the kids and I can hope on a plane during the middle of our trip on visit daddy and home.

All in all I know everything will be fine and the kids and I will tremendously enjoy our stay (especially now that we know our friends will be coming with us for the duration of the semester… yay! Knowing where and with who my children will be is now no longer a severe concern of mine). 

The kids passports arrived in the mail today (after we had to resubmit paperwork and the whole nine) so it is feeling more and more real.  Excitement is in the air.