Monday, February 27, 2012

Movies and Rashes

25 Feb 12
We had a great time at the movies.  We saw a movie called Hugo.  We chose that one really because it was the only thing playing during the afternoon (I don’t want to be out with the kids at night).  It turned out to be a really good movie.  We enjoyed popcorn and soda and just for an hour and a half we forgot we were so far away from “daddy” (Kenric) and relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.  After the movie we walked around the “mall” where granny spoiled them with toys they don’t need and then we headed to the food court.  After getting a hefty portion of Japanese food granny splurged on the kids and bought them the largest, richest, softest, gooeyist brownies I have ever tasted.  While we waited for the taxi we browsed the grovery store and picked up a couple of things for the house.  It took the taxi a little while to arrive and after seeing the traffic I understand why.  I finally got to see Friday afternoon (and payday) traffice in Kingston Jamaica. Insane!

A great day, so far, today. I woke this morning to another beautiful Jamaican sun.  Ms Cicelin was at the house early this morning to cook us breakfast.  After we got up and got dressed, Nay, mama and I walked next door to Mrs Williams house where Ms Cicelin was waiting for us.  Then she walked me through step by step on how to cook the famous ackee and salftfish dish with fried dumplings.  We walked the food back to the house were we all enjoyed it.  The food was WONDERFUL and I learned how to cook it.  I’m not sure I will try ackee as I’m still scared of doing it wrong and killing my family J but at least now I know how it is done.  I will definitely cook those dumplings though.  The kids loved them and they were pretty easy to do.

Ackee and Saltfish and dumplings

After breakfast Joshua, Averie and I headed off to art class at the National Gallery (Nay stayed home with granny).  I dropped the kids off and Mr Charles, our driver, dropped me off in the market.  I had said I wasn't going to venture to the market today but once I was there I couldn't help but to shop J.  I got a few things we needed at the house (including umbrellas) and headed back to the gallery to  wait for the kids.  At the gallery I sat and was very productive… I brought my computer and was able to get a lot of work done while I enjoyed the most amazing cup of coffee in the coffee shop.

27 Feb 12
What a tiring day.  Averie woke up with a rash (covering her body from head to toe) and a fever yesterday.  I monitored her and she was fine but she woke up with it again this morning and also complaining of a sore throat.  We caught a taxi to campus and I took her to the health clinic.  We endored the same long process we did with Nathaniel.  Fortuntely my mom was there and was able to sit with them while I went to teach class.  When I got back they were still not threw.  After about another hour we were able to leave with nno more knowledge of what is wrong with her then when we came.  She came home and fell asleep and slept for a long while.  After dinner my neighbor happen to call to check on her and offered me a ride to the pharmacy to pick up Averie’s prescription (the local version of some benadryl and some Panadrol).  I was SO greatful.  I was able to get her her medicine and now she seems to be feeling a little better. While Averie was napping my mom became ill. She complained of a sharp pain in her side.  The pain is so unbearable for her that she has not gone to bed L . Last week we battled Nathaniel's illness, this week is my mom and daughter… I’m afraid of what next week has in store. 

Unfortunately I have not been very productive in my research.  With teaching responsibilities and home responsibilities I have not been able to find any time for the very reason I came here… I know I’m having a pity party, but I’m beginning to question what I am doing here at all. 

On the bright side, Kenric will be on his way here in less then 24 hours.  YYYAAAYYY! I can’t wait…

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